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Dissemination of Research


Moors, A. C., Flicker, S. M., & Vaughan, M. D. (2022). LGBTQ+activism should include consensual non-monogamy. Spark Magazine. National Center for Institutional Diversity: University of Michigan 


Interviewed on Loving without Boundaries Podcast Episode 192 (Kitty Chambliss) about the Factors that Facilitate and Hinder Compersion study with co-authors Drs. Michelle Vaughan and Marie Thouin.  


Interviewed twice on the Sex and Psychology Podcast (Dr. Justin Lehmiller) about my research on Compersion (Episode 110) and on Arranged Marriage (Episode 111)


Interviewed on Multiamory podcast Episode 386 about the Factors that Facilitate and Hinder Compersion study with co-author Dr. Marie Thouin.




Flicker, S. M. & Sancier-Barbosa, F. (2024). Your happiness is my happiness: Predicting positive feelings for one’s partner’s consensual extra-dyadic intimate engagements. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 53(3), 941–958.


Tatum, A., Flicker, S. M., Peralta, I., & Kubicki, R. (2024). Initial motivations for engaging in polyamorous relationships. Archives of Sexual Behavior.


Thouin-Savard, M.I. & Flicker, S.M. (2023). Compersion. In: Shackelford, T.K. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer, Cham. 


Flicker, S. M., & Sancier-Barbosa, F. (2022). Personality Predictors of Prejudicial Attitudes, Willingness to Engage, and Actual Engagement in Consensual Non-Monogamy. Archives of Sexual Behavior.


Flicker, S. M., Thouin-Savard, M. I., & Vaughan, M. D. (2022). Factors that Facilitate and Hinder the Experience of Compersion Among Individuals in Consensually Non-Monogamous Relationships. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(6), 3035–3048.


Flicker, S.M., Vaughan, M.D. & Meyers, L.S. (2021). Feeling Good About Your Partners’ Relationships: Compersion in Consensually Non-Monogamous Relationships. Archives of Sexual Behavior.


Flicker, S. M., Sancier-Barbosa, F., Browne, L., & Moors, A. C. (2021). Relationship satisfaction and attachment security in polyamorous individuals who do and do not endorse partner hierarchy. Archives of Sexual Behavior.


Moors, A. C., Schechinger, H. A., Balzarini, R., & Flicker, S. (2021). Internalized consensual non-monogamy negativity and relationship quality among people engaged in consensual non-monogamy. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50(4), 1389-1400.


Flicker, S. M., Sancier-Barbosa, F., Afroz, F., Saif, S. N., & Mohsin, F. (2020; originally published online 2019). Attachment hierarchies in Bangladeshi women in love and arranged marriages. International Journal of Psychology, 55(4) 638-646. 


Flicker, S. M., Sancier-Barbosa, F., Afroz, F., Saif, S. N., & Mohsin, F. (2020; originally published online 2019). Marital quality in arranged and love marriages: The role of perceived influence over partner selection. International Journal of Psychology, 55(4), 629-637. 


Flicker, S. M. (2019). Reducing Barriers to Care for Consensually Non-Monogamous Patients [Invited Commentary]. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 191(41), E1118-E1119. 


Flicker, S. M., Ayoub , H. J. S., & Guynn, M. J. (2019). Emotional display rules in Palestine: Ingroup/outgroup membership, status of interaction partner and gender. International Journal of Psychology, 54(1), 33-41. doi: 10.1002/ijop.12429


Flicker, S. M. & Bui, L. T. T. (2018). Cross-cultural differences in interpersonal and intrapersonal understandings of forgiveness. In M. Karasawa, M. Yuki, K. Ishii, Y. Uchida, K. Sato, & W. Friedlmeier (Eds.), Venture into cross-cultural psychology: Proceedings from the 23rd Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.


Bui, L. T. T. & Flicker, S. M. (2013). The relationship between analytic and holistic styles of thinking and forgiveness. The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2013 Official Conference Proceedings, 529-542.


Flicker, S. M., Cerulli, C., Swogger, M., & Talbot, N. (2012). Depressive and post-traumatic symptoms among women experiencing intimate partner violence: Relations to coping strategies, social support, and ethnicity. Violence Against Women, 18, 420-36. 


Flicker, S. M., Cerulli, C., Zhao, X., Tang, W., Watts, A., Xia, Y., & Talbot, N. L. (2011). Concomitant forms of abuse and helpseeking behavior among White, African American, and Latina Women who experience intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women, 17, 1067-85.  


Flicker, S. M., Waldron, H. B., Turner, C. W., Brody, J., & Hops, H. (2008). Ethnic matching and treatment outcome with Hispanic and Anglo substance-abusing adolescents in family therapy. Journal of Family Psychology, 22, 439-447


Flicker, S. M., Turner, C. W., Waldron, H. B., Brody, J., & Ozechowski, T. J. (2008). Ethnic background, therapeutic alliance and treatment retention in Functional Family Therapy with substance abusing adolescents. Journal of Family Psychology, 22, 167-170.


Meyers, R. J., Apodaca, T. R., Flicker, S. M., & Slesnick, N. (2002). Evidence-based approaches for the treatment of substance abusers by involving family members. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 10, 281-288.


Waldron, H.B. & Flicker, S.M. (2002). Alcohol and drug abuse. In M. Hersen (Ed.), Clinical behavior therapy: Adults and children (pp. 474-490). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

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